General Requirements
TutorIT uses the latest HTML5/CSS3 standard. In everyday language this means that to run TutorIT, you must have a recent browser on your machine.
Windows PCs must be running:
- Google Chrome (recommended)
- Internet Explorer 9 running on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 (with some visual glitches)
(Note: IE9 is not available on Windows XP or earlier.)
- Firefox does not yet fully support HTML5 as required by TutorITweb.
Screens may not always function properly.
Macintosh PCs must be running:
- Safari
- Google Chrome
- Firefox does not yet fully support HTML5 as required by TutorITweb.
Screens may not always function properly.
Tablets must be running Android OS. Flash must be downloaded to see Flash animations prior to use. Flash can be downloaded here.
(Note: Screen size aside, TutorIT also runs on Android based smart phones.)
iPads (Apple) do not support Flash. Hence, Flash based animations will not show.
- Safari
- Google Chrome
(Note: Screen size aside, TutorIT also runs on iPhones.)
Windows Tablets (Surface) running Windows 8
Sound Requirements
Some tutorials, especially those targeting earlier grades (Facts, Algorithms, etc.), have sound built in.
To hear sound you must allow Quicktime or Windows Media Player access to your browser.
To give Quicktime or Windows Media Player access to your browser, start a TutorIT tutorial (e.g. Column Subtraction) and
click the "Allow" button that appears at the bottom of your screen.